The commando team featured in the game, known as Delta Squad, trained by Walon Vau, traveled to various locations in the Star Wars universe, including Kashyyyk and Geonosis, as well as a Acclamator I-class assault ship. The Commandos were trained in situations with live fire, making them realize just what the battles felt like. The Commandos were instructed and trained by the most elite of warriors, people such as the Cuy'val Dar, a group of brilliant training sergeants hand-picked by Fett. Once the Commandos were fully grown, they were divided up into groups of four, mainly called 'pods'. The elite Clone commandos were trained by Mandalorian mercenaries, as the clone template Jango Fett believed that they could learn more in live fire simulations. In the game, the player takes command of Delta Squad, a group of elite clone trooper called Clone commandos, specially bred on Kamino.
The game takes place around the Clone Wars between Episode II and Episode III. It was released in the US on March 1, 2005, and was developed and published by LucasArts for the Windows and Microsoft Xbox platforms. Star Wars: Republic Commando is a first-person shooter Star Wars computer and video game.